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5 Signs You Need a New Garden Shed

4 February 2020


Harrow Fencing Supplies

If your garden shed is getting old, has weather damage, or you haven’t checked it in a while, it may be time for a new one. Deteriorated sheds can be dangerous, so check through our list of signs to look out for, so that you don’t put yourself in harm’s way, or waste money on trying to fix a lost cause.

  • Looks old and dingy

If you have had your garden shed for years, then chances are it is starting to look pretty run-down. Even if your shed is reasonably well-maintained it can still look dated, and an old, dingy shed will bring down the appearance of your whole garden. This could be especially frustrating if you are trying to create an outdoor entertainment space, or if you put a lot of effort into keeping your flower beds and plants fresh and neat. A new shed would take your garden design to the next level, and you could even choose a summerhouse for parties as well

  • You need more space

Is your shed cluttered with piles of boxes and gardening equipment that you have to climb over? Have you started moving boxes inside and donating unused belongings to charity to save room? If so, it might be a sign that you have outgrown your old garden shed and need some more space. Getting a larger shed will mean it won’t be overcrowded and you can store everything neatly and accessibly.

  • Leaks and rotting wood

Homeowners who don’t use their shed very much are often too late when they find out their shed has been leaking. The more water that leaks into your shed the weaker the wood becomes, which can make it warp and develop wood rot. You will be able to tell if your shed has wood rot as the wood will be discoloured and shrunken, and the shed will smell like mildew. If your shed is severely warped or rotting from moisture, you will need to replace all of the affected wood, or simply get a new shed.

  • Broken or dilapidated

It is important that your shed is structurally sound, so if you have left it too long to check for loose panels, you may find that it’s on the verge of collapsing. Foundation issues are also quite common, and easy to spot; if your shed has problems with the foundation it will be leaning to one side. Sheds that are tilting over are dangerous and you shouldn’t go inside. Dilapidated sheds like this will take much more effort to fix than replace, and sometimes it just isn’t worth it.

  • Unwanted guests

One of the signs that your shed is past the point of salvation is an insect infestation. There are a range of insects which love to set up camp in sheds, such as woodboring beetles, termites and carpenter ants. All of these insects can cause extensive damage to the structure of your shed if they are not dealt with quickly. It can be costly and time consuming to try and remove them, and most of the time it is better to just get a new shed.

If you have come to the conclusion that you need a new garden shed, choose Harrow Fencing. We have been established since 1960, and offer a variety of quality wooden sheds in a range of sizes, styles and timber grades. Our selection of bespoke sheds are available to customers all around London, including Harrow and Hillingdon. Contact our friendly team to find out more.

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