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Do you need planning permission for a summerhouse or shed?

2 June 2023

Harrow Fencing Supplies

Summerhouses and sheds are where the indoors meets the outdoors. Ever popular in gardens across the country, outbuildings are beautiful enclosed areas for work, play or storage that give you that extra bit of living space.  

But what are the planning regulations when it comes to building a shed or summerhouse? Is there anything you need to bear in mind? 

Let’s take a look. 

Do you need planning permission for a shed or summerhouse? 

There are a few basic rules and regulations to consider when building a shed, summer house, playhouse or other outbuilding. 

Generally, you do not need planning permission for your summerhouse or shed, as long as it follows these rules: 

  • If the outbuilding will be built within two metres of your neighbour’s boundary, then the height restriction is 2.5 metres. 
  • If an outbuilding is to be built further away from a neighbour’s boundary, over two metres away, the height restriction of the building increases to 4 metres for a peaked roof, and 3 metres for other sorts of roofs. 
  • Eaves on any outbuilding cannot be taller than 2.5 metres. 
  • You should avoid building an outhouse that covers more than 15 square metres. 
  • The building should be a single storey. 
  • The building should not be used as a form of accommodation or a place to sleep, as to do so will mean you need planning permission. 
  • The building cannot have any verandas, raised platforms or balconies. 
  • The building should not cover more than half of the original land that surrounds the house. Included in this calculation are current outbuildings, too, so remember to factor those in.  

You may need planning permission if your intended outbuilding does not follow these above rules, is built on land near a listed building, or is built on a patch of designated land, such as a National Park or AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty). 

These rules are also specific to England, so if you live in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, then please check with local rules. 

Please remember, that if you are ever unsure about planning permission, then it’s always worth contacting your local authority for general and also more location-specific information to ensure you’re staying on the right side of the law. 

Transform your garden with stunning summerhouses, sheds and playhouses, with help from Harrow Fencing. Thanks to high-quality timber and over 60 years’ experience, you can trust in a beautiful finish to enhance your outdoor area. To find out more about our supply and installation services across Harrow, Hillingdon and beyond, then simply get in touch with our team.

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