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Wooden Fencing FAQs: Your Complete Guide

6 August 2021

Wooden Fence Panels | Harrow Fencing Supplies

Welcome to our wooden fence buying and installation guide – here to answer your most commonly asked questions. Whether you’re buying a wooden fence for the first time, or just want a little guidance on how to carry out the perfect DIY installation, in this article we’ll take you through the key things you need to think about to make the process plain sailing. 


Before the purchase 

What are my boundaries to put a fence up?

Before erecting or replacing a garden fence, you need to establish which boundary is your responsibility – and therefore which boundary you can legally make changes to. This can be as simple as checking the house deed. You could also chat to your neighbours directly to work out which boundaries are yours. If your next door neighbours don’t know, try talking to others on the street to figure out if there is a pattern to fence ownership – this should help you determine which fence is yours. 

Do I need planning permission to put up a wooden fence?

If your fence lies within the boundaries of your property, then you do not need planning permission to put up a fence. Height-wise, as long as the fence is below 2m tall, then you also don’t need permission. 

Do I need permission from my neighbour to put up a wooden fence?

If your planned fence lies within your property boundaries and does not exceed legal fence height limitations, then you do not require permission from your neighbour to put a fence up. However, in the interest of neighbourly relations, it might be best to discuss your intended plans with them before starting work. 

How much fencing do I need?

How many garden fence panels you need will depend on your boundary dimensions and also the style of fence panels that you choose. A good place to begin is to measure the boundary of your property where the fence will go. Next, you should enquire with a trusted fencing provider, such as Harrow Fencing, who will guide you through your options. Once you have selected your chosen fence panels, you can use the measurements to decide how many you will need depending on the space you need to fill – remember to factor in the fence posts, too. 

How tall can my fence be?

Fences can be a legal height of two metres – anything beyond this will need planning permission. Also, bear in mind that this allowed height may differ if your home is located next to a main road, the footpath of a highway or the land of a listed building. If you’re uncertain, then it’s always wise to check with your local planning office to make sure you don’t get caught out. 



Purchasing your fencing

Which style of fencing should I choose?

Whether you prefer the rustic country look, or something more contemporary, the beauty of wooden fencing is that there are several types of fencing on the market to suit any style. Here at Harrow Fencing, we supply and install a variety of beautiful fencing types to complement any property. They include: 

  • Larch Lap Fence Panels: A simple, cost-effective choice for those on a budget, panels slot over each other to create privacy.  

Larch Lap Fence Panels 2 | Harrow Fencing Supplies

  • Closeboard Fence Panels: Durable yet straightforward design for those who want a more clean, no-frills fence. 

Closeboard Fence Panels | Harrow Fencing Supplies

  • Continental Fence Panels: For those searching for more decorative panels, the continental style boasts intricacy and elegance to create an eye-catching look. There are several sub-styles available to choose from, too. 

Continental Fence Panels | Harrow Fencing Supplies

  • Trellis Fence Panels: As above, for those who favour a touch of elegance and decoration, a trellis fence, even as just an accent, can put a beautiful stamp on your garden. 

Trellis Fence Panels | Harrow Fencing Supplies

How much do fence panels cost?

Fence panels will vary in cost depending on the material and style you opt for, as well as the company you choose. The best thing to do is discuss your options with your chosen fencing supplier who will be able to give you a more accurate quote. Take a look at our price list online for guidance. 

How do I install a wooden fence?

If you’re feeling confident with your DIY skills, you could try installing a fence yourself. Multiple online guides exist to guide you through the process. But if you would rather let the professionals handle the process, then here at Harrow Fencing, we both supply and install fencing panels to ensure a perfect finish.



Looking after your wooden fencing 

Close-up hand with paintbrush painting wooden picket fence outdoors

How do I protect my wooden fencing from the elements?

Painting or staining are the most popular recommendations for protecting your fence from the elements. This helps prevent moisture from reaching the wood and causing damage. Make sure you clean and pretreat wood before painting or staining – this ensures that any dirt is removed and also enables you to introduce a wood preserving pretreatment to combat decay or rot. 

You may also want to keep an eye on shrubs or overhanging branches. Trimming foliage back can prevent it from landing on your fence and causing potential damage – also, when it rains, shrubbery can hold a lot of moisture which may hinder your fence in drying out properly if the foliage is brushing up against your panels. 

Can I paint my wooden fence?

If the fence is on your boundary, you legally own it and can therefore paint and stain it however you wish. But if it’s your neighbour’s fence, you will need to ask their permission before painting or staining it – even if it’s the side facing into your garden. Most neighbours won’t take an issue with it though, especially if that side of the fence is only visible to you, and not them. 

How do I clean my wooden fencing?

Wooden fencing can be susceptible to mould, mildew and dirt if not looked after properly. Luckily, it’s easy to keep it clean with regular maintenance. All you need is a bucket filled with one part bleach, two parts water. Gently use a scrubbing brush with the solution to work out any dirt. Leave for around ten minutes or so before gently rinsing it off with a hose. If you’re unsure, check with your fencing supplier for more specific instructions based on your fencing type. 


Other considerations 

How can I make sure my fence is secure from intruders?

Simply put, ensuring that your fence is in good nick is the best thing you can do to secure it from intruders. Make sure your fence is strong, sturdy and in good condition, with no missing or damaged panels – carry out repairs if necessary before an intruder takes advantage. Other things you can do are increase the height of your fence (still staying within the two metre legal limit or the one metre legal limit if the fence is next to a highway). You may wish to also opt for picket fencing or metal fencing to deter criminals, as these designs are more difficult to scale. From concrete fence panels through to wooden fence panels, we’ve got plenty of fencing supplies to choose from at Harrow Fencing. 

Searching for the perfect fencing to suit your style? Here at Harrow Fencing, we provide high-quality fencing panels in a variety of styles for homes across London, Harrow and Hillingdon. Our team is on hand to answer your questions and to talk you through your options. We look forward to welcoming you. 


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